
Matteo Albanese

I’m a Telecommunication engineer

and I worked for 15 years in the R&D, dealing with design and hardware development of digital signal processing algorithms.

In 2015,

I decided to put my mathematical expertise (both theoretical and practical) to “good use” and devote myself to teaching, which had long been my true passion.

Since 1998,

in fact, I’d been teaching part-time while studying and working in high-schools, private institutions, and at the university during my PhD. But being a full time teacher gave me the opportunity to focus on both mathematical competence and educational skills, in a subject which appears to be tough to many.

Rules, memory,
creativity and intuition

Maths tend to be considered as a complicated set of rules one must learn by heart and then scrupulously follow in order to get efficiently to the final result. Rigorous methodology, however, is only one of the sides of this discipline, together with creativity, perspicacy and ability to think auotonomously, for example. Under this perspective, studying maths can become way more attractive.

Attention and awareness
of one's logical thinking

I believe a math teacher should work on attention, focus, consciousness of one’s own logical thinking. Most of these characteristics are innate and need only be developed further. From this point of view, the contents usually requested (for, e.g., passing a written test at the high-school, succeeding in an exam, being admitted at the university) become a sort of battlefield where these abilities can be tested and further enhanced. According to my experience, this approach is not only more efficient, but has the great advantage of having long lasting effects on the students, that rapidly become autonomous.

by Matteo Albanese

Sistema Dinamico

Aprendo la porta di casa
ho avuto uno scampolo di realtà.
È successo anche a te, ne sono certo:
il guinzaglio un po’ lasco,
quel tanto da muovere il collo, il corpo,
di qualche minuto secondo
avanti e indietro.
“Un’ottima occasione” ho pensato
“per distinguere finalmente
parte reale e parte immaginaria,
oscillazione e smorzamento.”
Ma è stata solo una gran confusione.
Come mi hai detto – e sono d’accordo –
possiamo capirci
solo mediante fraintendimento.